Tuesday, May 31, 2011
They come bearing counterfeit credit cards
Friday, May 27, 2011
Google wants your wallet to be their wallet
Google wants your wallet to be their wallet and ultimately hopes to help reduce credit card fraud in the process..... however.... you still will have to pay. Alpine Payment Systems is a leader in Near Field Communication (NFC) specializing in Pay Pass technology used to read NFC capable cards and devices. Call today if you would like to find out how to get your business ready for the NFC boom.
READ ABOUT THE RELEASEThursday, May 26, 2011
Second Year, Back to Back Winner

Alpine Payment Systems acknowledged as a Fastest Growing Private 100 company by the Portland Business Journal!!!
It was recently released that Alpine Payment Systems, 7th Fastest Growing Private 100 company by Portland Business Journal 2009-2010 is being acknowledged as a back to back winner for 2010-2011.
Keep following our news as we await the official ranking on June 23rd, 2011 at the annual awards event.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Skimming device used in restaurant results in $213,000.00 in counterfiet purchases
40 minutes away from downtown Chicago, 4 men have been charged with using a skimming device at a restaurant in Naperville, IL to skim customer’s credit cards, use the pilfered numbers to create counterfeit cards, and then rack up some $213,000.00 in charges. Don't let your card out of your hand or sight when dining at local restaurants. You cannot be too safe.
Dont kill Pin Debit look for a solution
With Pay@Pump you are able to obtain pin debit without the customer’s card ever leaving their hand. Another major plus is that gas stations don’t have to go through the hassle of changing out all of their pump credit card terminals. A set of 4 stations in Hawaii were hit when 3 men used universal pump keys to open the machines and install skimming devices on them. The gas station is going as far as eliminating Pin Debit all together due to the risk. Pay@Pump is here to assist in situation such as this. Call Alpine Payment Systems today and find out how you can start pay at the pump at your business. (877)217-0707
Also, read the story about the men in Hawaii HERE
Monday, May 23, 2011
The person who took your card info, may not be the one using it
Read the story: [Here]
Friday, May 20, 2011
Your card information used on another card for $27,000.00 in gift cards
Thursday, May 19, 2011
If you get gas in Oregon or New Jersey, READ THIS
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
tips to protect yourself from skimming
36,000 Credit Card compromised in one skimming scam
Monday, May 16, 2011
Michaels report less than 90 affected pin pads
read more [HERE]
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Large craft store in Chicago falls victim to pin pad tempering
Monday, May 9, 2011
Credit card fraud does not pay!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Michael's Arts and Crafts in Chicago falls vitim to credit card fraud
Read the news report: ABC NEWS
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Skimming is not only done by tech savy teens
Monday, May 2, 2011
It seems to be getting easier and easier
Another case of three individuals on the East coast: [READ THE STORY]