Alpine Payment Systems is your EMV specialist
What is EMV?
EMV is an acronym for Europay International,
MasterCard and Visa. Essentially EMV was established to provide a
worldwide standard for the interaction between chip-based "smart cards"
and approved payment devises. Currently more than 40% of countries use
EMV cards and over 70% use EMV payment devises. Until now, the U.S. has
not followed this trend, preferring mag-stripe cards instead.
Why Now?
Visa recently announced a definite, phase migration plan to accelerate the adoption of EMV chip-card standards in the U.S.
How Does it Work?
EMV devices are able to read data stored on a chip
within the card. By using chips as an active part of the payment
transaction, EMV cards and devices help prevent credit card fraud from
stolen account numbers and cloned payment cards. Each chip-based card is
embedded with encrypted data. During the transaction authorization
process, the encrypted data is used to verify the card's authenticity.
Strong cryptographic functions are used to authenticate the card and
cardholder to ensure the validity and authenticity.
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